Thoughts, Ideas, Convictions…

Jessica Harper Jessica Harper


I’m sure you have seen the hashtag #faithoverfear in recent days, its been all over my Instagram and social media feeds, I have even used it myself! But as I was typing out this little catch-cry this week, I found myself thinking ‘what does this actually looks like?’ It’s easy to tag it, but what does it look like to really live it?…

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Words to Build a Life On
Jessica Harper Jessica Harper

Words to Build a Life On

I am sure you have seen a construction site before. I always find it exciting when large fences go up around a piece of vacant land or an old building. You know that something new and fresh is coming to that part of town. I am always surprised though, at how much time passes before you can actually see anything start to happen. Sure there are trucks and cranes and workmen around, but weeks, sometimes months go by before any construction becomes visible. What are the crews working on during this time? Are they just sitting around refining the plans and working out where to start? …

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Cleaning out the Closet
Jessica Harper Jessica Harper

Cleaning out the Closet

We all have those spaces in our homes that store junk, right? Those shelves, cupboards or hidden away places where everything gets stuffed away in a hurried effort to clean the house. Suddenly, without much effort, everything looks neat and tidy, just in time for the guests to arrive for dinner…

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Determined Forgiveness
Jessica Harper Jessica Harper

Determined Forgiveness

Whatever hurt or pain you may have encountered in life, God’s answer to wholeness and healing is in forgiveness. Today’s blog will dive in deep, discussing why it is so important to forgive and how we can approach life with an attitude of determined forgiveness…

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A Simple ‘Yes’
Jessica Harper Jessica Harper

A Simple ‘Yes’

My family and I are preparing to move into our caravan for a few weeks as we embark on some new adventures together. I always find this time of prepping is exciting and nerve-racking at the same time. While this isn’t the first time we have reduced our life down to a 20 foot home on wheels (we have spent many a month or two loving caravan life over the past few years), I always catch myself in the lead up to a trip thinking, ‘I won’t have this in the van next week.’…

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Lessons from Leah’s Life
Jessica Harper Jessica Harper

Lessons from Leah’s Life

In today’s blog we are going to go way back to the first book of the Bible to unpack a timeless message about identity. Yep, that’s right. We are going to look at a crisis of identity in Genesis. You see, struggling with questions about who we are and where we fit in this world isn’t new. It’s not a problem that evolved with social media or in the age of selfies…this has been a really important and significant part of life from the very beginning. So come with me today as we look at the life of Leah…

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Holiday Rentals & Resolutions
Jessica Harper Jessica Harper

Holiday Rentals & Resolutions

A new year is just around the corner. Brand new. Untouched. Clean. Fresh. Waiting for us, just a few days away, like a blank sheet of paper begging to be filled with hope and possibility. We anticipate what the New Year will bring with optimism and wonder. We set goals and resolutions and plan celebrations to welcome this fresh start…

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Christmas Is For Everyone
Jessica Harper Jessica Harper

Christmas Is For Everyone

I love everything about Christmas! I love the community spirit that comes alive for events in the park and parades down the mall at this time of year. I love the decorations, the lights, the tree and the tinsel. I love taking time to think about each significant person in my life and how I could blow their socks off with the perfect gift. I love the carols, I love the nativity story – I love all of it!

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