You are an incredibly unique and gifted individual - right down to your fingerprints!

If you have been working through the daily journal of The Identity Project, you have likely found yourself on this page to discover just how this all fits together for you. The following links will help you with this. Have fun!



There is no one else on Earth with a personality exactly like yours. While some personalities might be similar, no two are exactly the same. The more we can learn about how different personalities function, the better we will begin to understand ourselves and those around us.

As mentioned in the journal, there are many different researchers and theorists who have spent their lives exploring this vast field, you can find links to complete many different questionnaires to unpack your individual personality below:

16 Personalities Test

The Big 5 Personality Test

DISC Personality Test

Love fuels our relationships in a similar fashion to the way that petrol fuels a car. If there is no petrol in your car you won’t get very far. In the same way, if there is no ‘love in the tank’ our relationships stop moving forward. Because we all give and receive love in different ways, it is actually possible to be in a loving relationship yet feel unloved. This is where the five love languages can become incredibly valuable. By learning to understand the way we each give and receive love differently, we can come to better understand ourselves and those around us.

Discover more about this significant aspect of your identity. There is a different quiz for couples, singles, teens and children. All can be found at the link below:

The 5 Love Languages



Spiritual Gifts are referred to throughout the writings of the New Testament. They are simply different ways that God has gifted or empowered you to share His message of love, hope and grace to the world around you. God has called each one of us to be a part of His plan on the Earth, and He has given us everything we need to fulfil our specific role.

The links below will help you to determine just how God has gifted you, as well as detailed information on each individual gift.

Spiritual Gifts Test





Remind your self daily who you are with these beautiful promise cards. Each one is based on the truth of scripture and designed to be read ‘on the run’ to remind you how valuable and precious you are.



A place to record all the different aspects of who you are, and your hopes and dreams about the future. A place to help you put everything on the table and consider just how wonderfully and uniquely you have been created. A place to reflect and invite the Holy Spirit to illuminate purpose and passion.