I’m sure you have seen the hashtag #faithoverfear in recent days, its been all over my Instagram and social media feeds, I have even used it myself! But as I was typing out this little catch-cry this week, I found myself thinking ‘what does this actually looks like?’ It’s easy to tag it, but what does it look like to really live it? How can I practically choose Faith over Fear in my choices, my words and my actions as I navigate this unique season.

As I was pondering this, I found myself going back to a scripture from 2 Timothy that I wanted to share with you today. These are the words of the Apostle Paul, writing at the end of His life, to Timothy, a young man he loved like a son. These are words of advice given by a person with a lifetime of experience in choosing Faith over Fear. Paul walked through some rough, tough stuff. Maybe not COVID-19, but He was imprisoned, shipwrecked, tortured, beaten, and left for dead many times, yet Paul walked through all of that without having his faith shaken- I think we can learn something from Him! Lets look at his words to Timothy together:

‘I’m writing to encourage you to fan into a flame and rekindle the fire of the spiritual gift God imparted to you when I laid my hands upon you. For God will never give you the spirit of fear, but the Holy Spirit who gives you mighty power, love, and self-control. So never be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor be embarrassed over my imprisonment, but overcome every evil by the revelation of the power of God!

2 Timothy 1:6-8 TPT

Wow! What a jam-packed piece of scripture! I just want to bring out a few truths to encourage you with today as you choose faith over fear.

Firstly, remember that you have been given the Holy Spirit.

If you have surrendered your life to Jesus, do not forget that you have been given the Holy Spirit. He has been given to you! He is a helper, a friend, a comforter, an encourager, a counsellor. He is also the power that raised Jesus from the dead! And He has been given to you! You aren’t alone! No matter how lonely you might feel staying at home right now, you aren’t alone! You have been given the Holy Spirit.

This passage in 2 Timothy is very clear- you haven’t been given a spirit of fear. Not by God, anyway. He has given you a very different Spirit, the Holy Spirit. Rather than operating by the spirit of fear, we should be living from and operating out of relationship with the Holy Spirit. In the scripture we just read, the Holy Spirit is actually set up as the counter to fear, or the antidote to fear. The three descriptions of the Holy Spirit that Paul lists in this verse are so powerful in combating and fighting fear in our lives. They give us the keys to really live out ‘Faith over Fear’.

You haven’t been given a Spirit of fear, but a spirit of POWER

The first word Paul uses to describe the Holy Spirit when writing to Timothy is power. You have been given a spirit of power. A spirit of strength. A spirit of confidence. Now, sometimes this word can be a little bit intimidating, because I know that I don’t always feel powerful. But I love this dictionary definition of the word Power:

The capacity or ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others or the course of events (1)

You have that! I have that! Walking each day with the Holy Spirit, you have been given a spirit of Power! The ability to influence others, to have an impact for the kingdom, to help change or shape the course of events. The beautiful thing about this is that it happens most often in the little things. A small word of encouragement to a friend, the time you take to call someone far away, the words of hope you share with a stranger in the supermarket isle or the simple act of praying for someone. Don’t every underestimate just how powerful these small acts can be, or how much they can do change the world around you for the better.

The world needs people who are operating in the power of the Holy Spirit right now. People who understand the influence they can have for good and for God simply with the words they say and the choices they make. Because you know what? Fear has power too- it has the power to shut people down, to cause panic, to cause anxiety, to cause worry. You, my friend, have the power to overcome fear, not just in your own life, but in the lives of those around you, through the spirit of power who lives in you.

You haven’t been given a Spirit of fear, but a spirit of LOVE

The second word used to describe the Holy Spirit in this passage is LOVE. Power AND love. This is so important because POWER must always be wielded in LOVE.

Power (your capacity to influence and to bring change), must always, always operate from a place of love, compassion and empathy. It must always come from a deep desire to see others come to know Jesus- the one who is love. Power without love is just a power trip. But power with love is the evidence of the Holy Spirit living and operating in your life.

The truth is that the world has never needed love like it needs it today- like it needs it right now. You, my friend have been given a Spirit of Love, please don’t hide it away!

Love is also the most powerful weapon we have against fear. 1 John 4:18 tells us that ‘There is no fear in Love, but perfect love casts out all fear.’ My prayer for you today is that you would be so deeply and firmly held in the perfect love of God that fear would have no place in your life. Anytime it sneaks in- fear, panic, worry, anxiety- because these are very real forces that are operating aggressively in our world right now- your first response must be to run into the presence of God, to the arms of the Father who IS love. Because it is HIS perfect love that casts out fear in our lives.

It’s His love that replaces feelings of insecurity with security…

It’s His love that replaces worry with peace…

It’s His love that calms the seas of panic…

It’s His love that replaces feelings of uncertainty with faith in the one who holds the future…

 Live from His love in this season!

You haven’t been given a Spirit of fear, but a spirit of a SOUND MIND

Finally friends, you have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.

This translation of 2 Timothy 1:7 is from the New King James, but a lot of other translations including the NIV, use the words self-discipline or self-control here instead of the phrase ‘sound mind’. This is such an interesting phrase to look at because this scripture is actually the only time that this Greek word is used in the Bible, so we don’t have much else to reference it to in terms of context within the scriptures. But over many, many years of study and debate these two interpretations are still equally respected translations of this word and what Paul was trying to communicate to His friend Timothy. Sound mind, self control. Lets look at both these phrases in a little more detail:

A sound mind can be described as a stable, healthy mind. A healthy mind is linked to our attitude and our outlook (our perspective). A sound mind is alert and focused. A sound mind will seek out and listen to counsel and wisdom. A sound mind stabilizes our entire inner world, including our emotions.

Self control can be described as physical and emotional self-mastery. That I have mastered myself. It can be likened to the notion of self-regulation where I have the ability to stop myself from doing something I shouldn’t be doing (like eating the whole tub of ice cream), and also the ability to start doing something I should be doing (get changed out of my pyjamas before lunchtime). 

As I have pondered these two concepts this week, and the way that they work together in our lives, I ended up with this thought that would not leave me…could it be that the self control is the way to a sound mind?

When I think about the times in my life that I feel I have not had a sound mind, the times when I have become anxious about something, or found myself fearful and worried…these are times when I have lost self control…let me give you a few examples:

I think back to times when I have not been in control of my thoughts- when I have allowed them to run wild and unchecked. Sometimes I have actually realised that the things I’m pondering on aren’t healthy or positive….but I haven’t exercised self control to reign them in or replace them with something better.

Other times my social media use has been out of control- I know I’m not the only one in this boat! I will find myself sitting there scrolling, reading one sad or depressing or mind numbing thing after the other….and I know it’s not a good space for me to be in….but I just can’t seem to make the choice to shut it down.

It’s no wonder I end up in a place of anxiety or fear or worry, I end up snappy at my kids and in a bad mood. I end up frustrated at myself and those around me, I loose all the peace and stability that comes from soundness of mind, and all because I have lost self control. But, friends, that is not the spirit we have been given.

When I catch myself on these kinds of days I have to remind myself of this scripture! I have been given a spirit of power, love and a sound mind (that uses self control). I have to stop, invite the Holy Spirit to help me, and start over.

At the moment I feel like I am starting over a lot. But I am getting better at trusting HIs leading. I hope you are too!



Words to Build a Life On