Words to Build a Life On

I am sure you have seen a construction site before. I always find it exciting when large fences go up around a piece of vacant land or an old building. You know that something new and fresh is coming to that part of town. I am always surprised though, at how much time passes before you can actually see anything start to happen. Sure there are trucks and cranes and workmen around, but weeks, sometimes months go by before any construction becomes visible. What are the crews working on during this time? Are they just sitting around refining the plans and working out where to start? Not at all - the work they are doing in those first few weeks might not look very impressive, but it is vital to the success of the whole project. They are building the foundation!

Foundations are important for two reasons. First of all they determine how big the building that follows can become. The larger the building, the deeper the foundation needs to be. Secondly, they determine how long the building will stand. The stronger the foundation, the longer the building will remain intact, standing strong and secure despite shifts in the Earth around it.

Let’s apply this concept to our own lives. If you picture your ultimate life as some kind of physical structure, what does it look like? I don’t know about you, but I want to build a life that is large and long standing. I want there to be room in the world I build around myself for people to rest, be loved, feel empowered and grow. And I want to be here for the long haul! I don’t want anything falling apart, shifting or cracking when challenging times come along. What do I need to build this kind of life? You guessed it - a strong, solid foundation. 

Jesus thinks that foundations are pretty important too. So important, in fact, that He mentioned them when He was here on Earth. What He said was recorded in the book of Matthew for us to continue to learn from today. 

‘These words I speak to you are not incidental additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living. They are foundational words, words to build a life on.

If you work these words into your life, you are like a smart carpenter who built his house on solid rock. Rain poured down, the river flooded, a tornado hit—but nothing moved that house. It was fixed to the rock.

But if you just use my words in Bible studies and don’t work them into your life, you are like a stupid carpenter who built his house on the sandy beach. When a storm rolled in and the waves came up, it collapsed like a house of cards.’ Matthew 7:24-27 MSG

What a vivid picture this passage creates! When I read it I can imagine in my mind two houses on a coastline. One is built into a rocky cliff and its foundations are sunk deep into the solid rock. Regardless of how wild the storms get, this house isn’t going anywhere. The other house I see is build on the sand. It might look impressive and have amazing views, but when the winds blow and the rain comes there is nothing holding it in place.

Now, when it comes to building our lives, I know which house I want my life to look like! And I don’t think you would find many people out there who are hoping their lives collapse like a house of cards! So the question must be asked, how do we build a life on solid rock? Jesus said that the strongest foundation to build on was His Word. However, not just reading it, but working it into our daily lives, allowing it to deeply change and impact the way we live.

How do I get more of the word into my life?

Firstly, reading the word everyday is not something that will happen in your life by accident. You have to prioritise it, make time for it and be intentional about building this habit. You also have to be prepared for the 100 things you have to do that will suddenly come to mind the moment you start to read! But, if you don’t already, I challenge you to set some time aside each day to read the Bible. Get creative, make a plan, set an alarm and persevere to stick with it!

If you aren’t sure where to start, go to the Gospels – the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They are recounts of the things Jesus said and did while on Earth. Proverbs is also a great book to read daily. There are 31 chapters - one for every day of the month - and it is full of wisdom that can be applied to daily life.

If you are struggling for time, take advantage of some of the amazing technology currently available to us. There are great audio translations out there - you can listen to the Bible in your car, on your way to work or while you are at the gym. There are also great apps available to read the Bible on your phone or tablet. You can literally take God’s Word with you in your pocket everywhere you go! One of my favourite apps to listen to is called Dwell. I also love Read Scripture, which is a fabulous app if you want to read the Bible cover to cover. It features daily plans, you can set automatic reminders and it is jam packed with short video clips to help you understand what you are reading.

If you are still really struggling, try experimenting with a different version of the Bible. You might find The Message Translation or The Passion Translation, for example, easier to read daily than the King James Version. The authors of these translations have spent a great deal of time and effort studying and cross checking to ensure God’s message is communicated with accuracy and integrity in these translations, but in language we use everyday.

Finally, after making time and space in your life to read the Bible everyday, make time to meditate, reflect, and think deeply about the words that you have read. You might do this by choosing one verse everyday to commit to memory, and pondering how you can apply that word to your life as you memorise it. You might do this by writing down a verse that stands out to you as you read, and then journaling what it means to you personally. You might do this by placing some key scriptures for your life around your room (download out our free Promise Cards if this is your thing). However you choose to meditate on the Word of God, the goal is that the scriptures you have read become more than just words on a page, but words that come alive and carry deep meaning that can change and transform your thinking and actions.  

The most beautiful thing that takes place as we read the Word of God each day is that we learn who God is in a deeper and more personal way. His words reveal His character, His love and His promises. As we read we grow in our knowledge of Him and our love for Him at the same time. Make a decision today to prioritise the word of God in your life.





Cleaning out the Closet